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December 5, 2007

Handling .NET exceptions in Flex

Invoking remote methods, passing arguments and receiving responses are the most fundamental remote procedure call (RPC) concepts. However, an equally important, but often not as well understood or used capability is handling errors occurring during remote method invocations. This article reviews the process of exception propagation and demonstrates the code for processing data delivered with server-side exceptions and errors.
My previous article, Invoking .NET objects using the Flex RemoteObject API, describes how to invoke .NET methods from Flex. I recommended that you follow the steps in that article first, to ensure your development environment is configured so that you can invoke .NET methods from Flex.
The examples and solution demonstrated in this article uses WebORB for .NET, a product by Midnight Coders that facilitates connectivity between Flex and .NET. WebORB functions as a gateway between Flex clients and .NET objects. Using WebORB, your Flex applications can use the standard remoting API to communicate with .NET.
Adobe Flex Builder 2.0.1
Microsoft Internet Information Services Server (version 5.x or later)
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Microsoft .NET version 2.0 or later (installed on the system and integrated into IIS)
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Visual Studio 2003 or 2005
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WebORB for .NET version 3.2 or later
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Sample files: (ZIP, 44K) (ZIP, 13K)
Error handling in Flex
The Flex remoting API centers on the RemoteObject class and RemoteObject MXML tag. When declaring a remote object proxy, you can specify error handling functions attached to the proxy. For example, the following code creates a remote object and adds two error handlers. The gotError function is added at the proxy level, while the helloWorldFailed is added at the function level:
var myService:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject( "GenericDestination" );
myService.source = "examples.ExceptionsTest";
myService.addEventListener( FaultEvent.FAULT, gotError );
myService.helloWorld.addEventListener( FaultEvent.FAULT, helloWorldFailed );
public function gotError( evt:FaultEvent ):void
public function helloWorldFailed( evt:FaultEvent ):void
Both event listener functions in the above example handle errors occurred during remote method invocations issued through the myService object. The function argument is an object of the mx.rpc.event.FaultEvent type. The object contains some information about the exception, such as error message, error code, or stack trace.
Since the gotError method is attached directly to the remote object reference, it becomes a generic error handler. Flex invokes it any time there is an error from a method invocation which does not have its own error handler function. For example, suppose the remote object shown above invokes the getData method. The method does not have an error event listener registered with the method. As a result, in case of an error, Flex delivers it to the gotError handler. (see Figure 1).

Exceptions in .NET
The .NET framework and the languages it supports provide a rich and extensible mechanism for raising and handling system and application-level exceptions. Application code can create custom exception classes or use the ones built into the framework's class library. The example below demonstrates raising a custom exception:public float getQuote( String tickerSymbol )
float quote = 0;
if( tickerSymbol == null )
throw new UnknownTickerException();
return quote;
The method below causes a "division-by-zero" exception if the second argument is zero:public float doDivision( int arg1, int arg2 )
return arg1 / arg2;
If the Flex client invokes the methods shown above using the RemoteObject API/MXML, it is reasonable to expect that the exceptions must be delivered to the client as FaultEvent objects. When the Flex client invokes .NET methods via WebORB, the server includes special logic for handling exceptions raised from the invoked methods. If an exception occurs, WebORB serializes it as FaultEvent so the client can process it in the fault handler function.
Exception handling example
The example below is a complete application demonstrating various types of exceptions raised by the .NET code. The Flex client code demonstrates how the server-side exceptions can be processed on the client and what data various properties of the received FaultEvent objects contain.
Consider the following C# code:using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
namespace Remoting.Examples
public class ExceptionsTest
public void divByZero()
int zero = 0;
int five = 5;
int result = five / zero;
public void NPE()
Hashtable hash = new Hashtable();
hash.Add( null, null );
public void throwException()
throw new MyException( "this is a custom application exception" );
public class
MyException : Exception
public MyException( String message )
: base( message )
The following is the same code written in VB.NET:Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Text
Namespace Remoting.Examples
Public Class
Public Sub divByZero()
Dim zero As Integer = 0
Dim five As Integer = 5
Dim result As Integer = five / zero
End Sub
Public Sub NPE()
Dim hash As New Hashtable()

hash.Add(Nothing, Nothing)
End Sub
Public Sub throwException()
Throw New MyException("this is a custom application exception")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class MyException Inherits Exception
Public Sub New(ByVal message As String)
End Sub
End Class
The divByZero() method raises a "division-by-zero" exception.
The NPE()method adds null to a hashtable, which raises NullReferenceException.
The throwException() method raises a custom exception.

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