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January 5, 2008

How to color Datagrid cells/rows in flex 2

I have been looking for a easy and neat way to color a single cell or a complete row in flex 2.

<strong>Google brought me two interesting links:</strong>

<strong>1. How opaqueBackground can be used to color the background of a label itemRenderer</strong>

The comment posted by Dallas at 11/10/06 8:01, shows a way of highlighting a cell. Very simple implementation - the only problem is that the background color won't react on mouseover after the opaqueBackground is set.

<strong>2. How do you change the background cell color in a DataGrid?</strong>

Shows how to implement a colored background that react upon mouseover and selection. The implementation extends a label and overrides the 'updateDisplayList' method to draw some graphics as the background.

The last solution seems to be the one I preferred - because of the ability to see mouse effects applied to the cell. But still I liked the cleen implementation of the first one.

I couldn't resist of bringing combined solution, where I extends a Label, but listens for a Event.RENDER events instead of overriding the updateDisplayList method.


Demonstrates how to use the renderer as a drop-in and inline itemRenderer.
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>

< mx : Application xmlns : mx = ""

layout = "vertical" verticalAlign = "middle" xmlns : tmp = "component.dashboard.*"

creationComplete = "init()" >

< mx : Script >

private function init() : void {



</ mx : Script >

< mx : XML id = "itemsXML" >

< items >

< item name = "Item 1" state = "1" />

< item name = "Item 2" state = "0" />

< item name = "Item 3" state = "0" />

< item name = "Item 4" state = "1" />

< item name = "Item 5" state = "0" />

</ items >

</ mx : XML >

< mx : Style >

.centered {

text-align: center;


</ mx : Style >

< mx : DataGrid id = "myGrid" dataProvider = "{itemsXML.item}" editable = "true" >

< mx : columns >

< mx : DataGridColumn dataField = "@name" headerText = "Name"

headerStyleName = "centered"

itemRenderer = "component.dashboard.TestItemRenderer" />

< mx : DataGridColumn dataField = "@state" headerText = "Price"

textAlign = "right" headerStyleName = "centered" >

< mx : itemRenderer >

< mx : Component >

< tmp : TestItemRenderer />

</ mx : Component >

</ mx : itemRenderer >

</ mx : DataGridColumn >

</ mx : columns >

</ mx : DataGrid >

</ mx : Application >

Following is a CustomItemRenderer that can be extended to apply logic to decide if a cell is to be styled.

package dk . jacobve {

import mx . controls . Label ;

import mx . controls . DataGrid ;

import mx . controls . dataGridClasses .*;

import mx . events . FlexEvent ;

import flash . events . Event ;

public class CustomItemRenderer extends Label {

public function CustomItemRenderer {

//listen for render events

addEventListener ( Event . RENDER , renderListener );


public function styleIt () : Boolean {

return false ;


public function styleTrue () : void {


public function styleFalse () : void {


protected function renderListener ( event : Event ) : void {

if ( listData != null ) {

var grid : DataGrid = DataGrid ( DataGridListData ( listData ). owner );

if (! grid . isItemHighlighted ( data ) && grid . selectedItem != data ) {

if ( styleIt ()) {

styleTrue ();

} else {

styleFalse ();


} else {

styleFalse ();





CustomItemRenderer extension

Shows an implementation using E4X on a xml data element to deside if the cell is to be colored red.
package dk . jacobve {

import mx . controls . Label ;

import mx . controls . DataGrid ;

import mx . controls . dataGridClasses .*;

import mx . events . FlexEvent ;

import flash . events . Event ;

public class TestItemRenderer extends CustomItemRenderer {

public override function styleIt () : Boolean {

return data . @state == "0" ;


public override function styleTrue () : void {

this . opaqueBackground = 0x33CC33 ;


public override function styleFalse () : void {

this . opaqueBackground = null ;




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