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January 14, 2008

Clearing a selected RadioButton control in Flex

The following example shows how you can use ActionScript to clear a currently selected radio button by setting the RadioButtonGroup class’s selection property to null.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" verticalAlign="middle" backgroundColor="white">


<![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Alert;

private function reset():void


answers.selection = null;


private function check():void


if (answers.selectedValue)



else {"unselected"); } } ]]>


<mx:RadioButtonGroup id="answers" />

<mx:Form backgroundColor="red">


<mx:Text id="question" text="Question..." />



<mx:RadioButton id="answer1" group="{answers}" label="Answer 1" />



<mx:RadioButton id="answer2" group="{answers}" label="Answer 2" />



<mx:RadioButton id="answer3" group="{answers}" label="Answer 3" />



<mx:RadioButton id="answer4" group="{answers}" label="Answer 4" />



<mx:RadioButton id="answer5" group="{answers}" label="Answer 5" />


<mx:FormItem direction="horizontal">

<mx:Button label="Check" click="check();" />

<mx:Button label="Reset" click="reset();" />




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