Over the past month since MAX Chicago we have been compiling a ton of feedback about the events. One of the real problem areas for MAX was the unions in Chicago. There are many complaints about the lack of staff and technical issues and most if not all of these fall into the union management of McCormick place. I wish the situation was different but we couldn't even plug in a power cord without an electrician and union rep. These issues were non-existant in Barcelona and Tokyo and it was very frustrating to me to see work politics derail well laid plans.
Even with these side efects MAX was still the best event that Adobe/Macromedia has ever had with record attendance and community participation. I am very proud of the results and what we accomplished in a very short time. We have some great changes in store for MAX 2008. I look forward to seeing you in San Francisco and other parts of the globe, Amsterdam or Bangalore sound interesting?
Thanks for your attendance!
Thanks for your participation!
Thanks for all the hard work!
MAX 2007 was a blast!