So, lets take a look at using the mx:HTTPService tag to dynamically load an XML file.
The following example dynamically loads an XML file at run-time using the mx:HTTPService tag, rather than using mx:XML and grabbing the data at compile-time:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ? ><FLVCoreCuePoints version="1" >
<CuePoint > <Time >0</Time > <Type >event</Type > <Name >slide1</Name > <Parameters > <Parameter > <Name >id</Name > <Value >value</Value > </Parameter > </Parameters > </CuePoint >
<CuePoint > <Time >5000</Time > <Type >event</Type > <Name >slide2</Name > <Parameters > <Parameter > <Name >param1</Name > <Value >value1</Value > </Parameter > <Parameter > <Name >param2</Name > <Value >value2</Value > </Parameter > </Parameters > </CuePoint >
<CuePoint > <Time >20000</Time > <Type >event</Type > <Name >slide3</Name > </CuePoint >
</FLVCoreCuePoints ><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? ><mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" verticalAlign="top" backgroundColor="white" creationComplete="tempXML.send();" >
<mx:HTTPService id="tempXML" url="xml/cuePoints.xml" resultFormat="e4x" / > <mx:XMLListCollection id="cuePointXMLList" source="{tempXML.lastResult.CuePoint}" / > <mx:XMLListCollection id="parametersXMLList" source="{dataGrid.selectedItem.Parameters.Parameter}" / >
<mx:Script > <![CDATA[ private function parametersLabelFunction(item:Object, column:DataGridColumn):String { return item.Parameters.Parameter.length(); }
private function numericSortCompareFunction(objA:Object, objB:Object):int { var itemA:Number = parseInt(objA.Time.text()) as Number; var itemB:Number = parseInt(objB.Time.text()) as Number;
if (itemA > itemB) { return 1; } else if (itemA < itemB) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } ]] > </mx:Script >
<mx:VBox >
<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" dataProvider="{cuePointXMLList}" width="100%" rowCount="{cuePointXMLList.length + 1}" > <mx:columns > <mx:DataGridColumn id="timeCol" dataField="Time" headerText="Time (ms):" sortCompareFunction="numericSortCompareFunction" / > <mx:DataGridColumn id="typeCol" dataField="Type" headerText="Type:" / > <mx:DataGridColumn id="nameCol" dataField="Name" headerText="Name:" / > <mx:DataGridColumn id="parametersCol" dataField="Parameters" headerText="Parameters:" labelFunction="parametersLabelFunction" / > </mx:columns > </mx:DataGrid >
<mx:DataGrid id="parametersDataGrid" dataProvider="{parametersXMLList}" width="100%" visible="{parametersXMLList.length > 0}" rowCount="{parametersXMLList.length + 1}" > <mx:columns > <mx:DataGridColumn id="parameterNameCol" dataField="Name" headerText="Parameter Name:" / > <mx:DataGridColumn id="parameterValueCol" dataField="Value" headerText="Parameter Value:" / > </mx:columns > </mx:DataGrid >
</mx:VBox >
</mx:Application >The first thing you notice is that the code is nearly identical to the previous example which used mx:XML. The subtle differences are that instead of mx:XML we used mx:HTTPService to get the data. Also, we now listen for the creationComplete event for on the Application tag where we trigger the XML loading using the HTTPService.send() method. Finally, the locations of the files changed slightly. Now instead of the XML being calculated relative to the MXML file, the XML gets placed relative to the generated SWF file. All the other code stayed the same.