Stand-alone Flex Builder IDE (built on Eclipse)
Flex Builder Eclipse Plug-in
Additionally, both the Stand-alone and Plug-in versions of Flex Builder now contain two Flex SDKs; Flex 3 (Beta 3) and Flex 2.0.1 Hotfix 3.
NOTE: You can run Flex Builder 2.0.1 and Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 on the same system. You do not have to uninstall Flex Builder 2.0.1.
WARNING: Do not install Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 on top of an existing installation of Flex Builder 2 or a previous Beta version of the Flex Builder 3. In particular, do not install the plug-in version of Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 into an Eclipse installation that is already running the plug-in version of Flex Builder 2.
When using Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 with a workspace from a previous beta, please clean and reinitialize the workspace.
Go to the install directory; drive:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3, or the root of the Eclipse install directory if using the Flex Builder Plug in
Edit FlexBuilder.ini or Eclipse.ini in a text editor
Add the following to the top of the file (not the bottom)
Launch Flex Builder or Eclipse
Remove –clean after exiting Flex Builder or Eclipse
[edit]OS X:
Go to the install directory; /Applications/Adobe Flex Builder 3, or the root of the Eclipse install directory if using the Flex Builder Plug in
Right click on the Flex Builder application or Eclipse application and choose Show Package Contents
Open Contents > MacOS
Edit FlexBuilder.ini or Eclipse.ini in a text editor
Add the following to the top of the file (not the bottom)
Launch Flex Builder or Eclipse
Remove –clean after exiting Flex Builder or Eclipse
[edit]Installing Flex Builder stand-alone
To install Flex Builder on Windows:
The default location of the installation directory for Flex Builder stand-alone is C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3.
Prior to installing, remove any prerelease versions of Flex Builder 3 (Moxie).
Download Flex Builder Win SA from the Adobe Labs site.
Open or double-click the installer executable file.
Accept the license agreement and follow the prompts.
By default, the debugging version of the Flash Player 9 browser plug-in is selected for installation.
The debugging version of Flash Player is Flash Player 9 (
This version is required for viewing and debugging applications developed with Adobe Flex Builder.
You must select separate installs of the Flash Player plug-in for Internet Explorer and for Firefox and Netscape browsers.
(Optional) You can select the following to install:
ColdFusion Extensions for Flex Builder
JSEclipse - JavaScript plug-in (not available in Japanese)
Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Review the Release Notes.
Start Flex Builder using its shortcut in the Start menu under Adobe.
When prompted choose the Trial option.
To install Flex Builder on Mac OS X:
Prior to installing, remove any prerelease versions of Flex Builder 3 (Moxie).
Download Flex Builder Mac SA from the Adobe Labs site.
Open or double-click the installer DMG file. The installer image will be mounted.
Open or double-click the installer application to begin the Flex Builder installation process.
Accept the license agreement and follow the prompts.
By default, the debugging version of the Flash Player 9 browser plug-in is selected for installation.
The debugging version of Flash Player is Flash Player 9 (
This version is required for viewing and debugging applications developed with Adobe Flex Builder.
(Optional) You can select the following to install:
ColdFusion Extensions for Flex Builder
JSEclipse - JavaScript plug-in (not available in Japanese)
Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Review the Release Notes.
To start Flex Builder, locate and double-click the executable file in /Applications/Adobe Flex Builder 3.
When prompted choose the Trial option.
[edit]Installing Flex Builder plug-in
NOTE: Flex Builder is only supported on Eclipse 3.2.2 or Eclipse 3.3.
WARNING: Do not install the plug-in version of Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 into an Eclipse installation that is already running the plug-in version of Flex Builder 2.
To install the Flex Builder Eclipse plug-in on Windows:
Prior to installing, remove any prerelease versions of Flex Builder 3 (Moxie).
Download Flex Builder Win plugin from the Adobe Labs site.
Open or double-click the installer executable file. Accept the license agreement and follow the prompts.
By default, the debugging version of the Flash Player 9 browser plug-in is selected for installation.
The debugging version of Flash Player is Flash Player 9 (
This version is required for viewing and debugging applications developed with Adobe Flex Builder.
You must select separate installs of the Flash Player plug-in for Internet Explorer and for Firefox and Netscape browsers.
(Optional) You can select the following to install:
ColdFusion Extensions for Flex Builder
JSEclipse - JavaScript plug-in (not available in Japanese)
Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Review the Release Notes.
Start Flex Builder using its shortcut in the Start Menu under Adobe.
When prompted choose the Trial option.
NOTE: You must create a new workspace before beginning. Select File > Switch Workspace from the menu bar and enter a new directory name. If the directory does not exist, Eclipse creates it.
To install the Flex Builder Eclipse plug-in on Mac OS X:
Prior to installing, remove any prerelease versions of Flex Builder 3 (Moxie).
Download Flex Builder Mac plugin from the Adobe Labs site.
Open or double-click the installer DMG file. The installer image will be mounted.
Open or double-click the installer app to begin the Flex Builder installation process.
When prompted select the existing Eclipse installation directory.
Accept the license agreement and follow the prompts.
By default, the debugging version of the Flash Player 9 browser plug-in is selected for installation.
The debugging version of Flash Player is Flash Player 9 (
This version is required for viewing and debugging applications developed with Adobe Flex Builder.
(Optional) You can select the following to install:
ColdFusion Extensions for Flex Builder
JSEclipse - JavaScript plug-in (not available in Japanese)
Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Review the Release Notes.
To start Flex Builder, locate and double-click the executable file in /Applications/Adobe Flex Builder 3.
When prompted choose the Trial option.
NOTE: You must create a new workspace before beginning. Select File > Switch Workspace from the menu bar and enter a new folder name. If the folder doesn't exist, Eclipse creates it.