JSON - pronounced Jason - allows you to serialize and deserialize data.
Broken down: You can send a bunch of different data types from .NET <-> Flex including Arrays and Objects and Arrays of Objects. Where I see room for improvement would be after getting a generic object, being able to automatically convert that to a ValueObject (TransferObject) on both the client and server side. Until that happens, I'll just take care of it manually - unless someone has a better recommendation.
On With The Show:
First you will need the following to follow this tutorial: Visual Studio 2005, Adobe Flex Builder 2.0, JSON.net
Open Visual Studio and Create a New Web Service: File -> New -> Website -> ASP.NET Web Service.
A file Service.asmx will be created and in the folder "App_Code" Sective.cs will be created. Open Service.cs. Enter the following code.
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public class Employee
public int id = 0;
public string firstName = "";
public string lastName = "";
public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService
public Service () {
public string GetEmployee() {
Employee e = new Employee();
e.id = 12345;
e.firstName = "Sam";
e.lastName = "Shrefler";
string output = JavaScriptConvert.SerializeObject(e);
return output;
Next, you'll need to copy "Newtonsoft.Json.dll" and "Newtonsoft.Json.XML" into your App_Code directory. Next, right-click the Project and go to "Add Reference". Select Browse then Find "Newtonsoft.Json.dll" and hit OK. A Bin directory should be created containing the "Newtonsoft.Json.dll" and "Newtonsoft.Json.XML" in your project. Right click on Service.asmx and go to "View in Browser". A Service Description should come up. Click "GetEmployee" then click "Invoke". If all is working properly, you should see the following output: