Adobe Flex 3 was formerly known as the Moxie release.
NOTE: Beta 3 is the final preview of the Flex 3 release. Please try out this beta and if you find bugs, please report them to the public bugbase (http://bugs.adobe.com/flex).
Adobe® Flex™ Builder™ 3 is Adobe's professional Flex IDE built on Eclipse™. It can run either as a standalone tool or as a plug-in to an existing Eclipse installation. Flex SDK includes the Flex framework (also known as the Flex class library), Flex command-line compilers, Adobe AIR™ framework, Adobe AIR command-line compilers, the Flex debugger, the ASDoc utility, and the debugger version of Flash Player. Use Flex SDK to develop, compile, and deploy Flex applications that connect to XML and SOAP web services with no additional charges or server licensing required. This release also includes Data Visualization features (formerly Flex Charting).
NOTE: Flex Builder 3 automatically installs a copy of Flex SDK 3. It also includes a copy of Flex SDK 2.0.1 as part of its support for multiple Flex SDKs.
WARNING: Do not install Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 on top of an existing installation of Flex Builder 2 or a previous Beta version of Flex Builder 3. In particular, do not install the plug-in version of Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 into an Eclipse installation that is already running the plug-in version of Flex Builder 2.