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December 27, 2007

e4x (ECMAScript for XML )

e4x is a programming language extension that adds native XML support to ECMAscript. It does this by providing access to the XML document in a form that feels natural for ECMAscript programmers. The goal is to provide a simpler API for accessing XML documents, than other common APIs, such as DOM or XSLT.

Lets take a look at a few examples of how you can read XML data using E4X.

As in the current player, you'll be able to create variables of type XML by parsing a String. But XML literals will now be supported as well:

    var employees:XML =


            <employee ssn=”123-123-1234″>

                <name first=”John” last=”Doe”/>


                    <street>11 Main St.</street>

                    <city>San Francisco</city>





            <employee ssn=”789-789-7890″>

                <name first=”Mary” last=”Roe”/>


                    <street>99 Broad St.</street>







Instead of using DOM-style APIs like firstChild, nextSibling, etc., with E4X you just “dot down” to grab the node you want. Multiple nodes are indexable with [n], similar to the elements of an Array:




To grab an attribute, you just use the .@ operator:

    trace([EMAIL PROTECTED]);



If you don't pick out a particular node, you get all of them, as an indexable list:



    <name first=”John” last=”Doe”/>

    <name first=”Mary” last=”Roe”/>

(And note that nodes even toString() themselves into formatted XML!)

A handy double-dot operator lets you omit the “path” down into the XML _expression_, so you could shorten the previous three examples to


    trace([EMAIL PROTECTED]]);


You can use a * wildcard to get a list of multiple nodes or attributes with various names, and the resulting list is indexable:



    <street>11 Main St.</street>

    <city>San Francisco</city>



    trace([EMAIL PROTECTED]);



You don't have to hard-code the identifiers for the nodes or attributes… they can themselves be variables:

    var whichNode:String = “zip”;




    var whichAttribute:String = “ssn”;

    trace([EMAIL PROTECTED]);



A new for-each loop lets you loop over multiple nodes or attributes:

    for each (var ssn:XML in [EMAIL PROTECTED])







Most powerful of all, E4X supports “predicate filtering” using the syntax .(condition), which lets you pick out nodes or attributes that meet a condition you specify using a Boolean _expression_. For example, you can pick out the employee with a particular social security number like this, and get her state:

    var ssnToFind:String = “789-789-7890″;

    trace(employees.employee.(@ssn == ssnToFind)..state);



Instead of using a simple conditional operator like ==, you can also write a complicated predicate filtering function to pick out the data you need. 

By the way, although none of my examples use XML namespaces, E4X has complete support for them. 

Compared with the current XML support in the Flash Player, E4X allows you to write less code and execute it faster because more processing can be done at the native speed of C++. 

Since E4X is so powerful, we're working to make Flex 2.0 play nicely with it. Components like List, ComboBox, and DataGrid will be able to accept E4X expressions like as a dataProvider. The <mx:XML> tag will be able to declare an E4X-style XML object in MXML. WebService and HTTPService will be able to deliver E4X-style XML objects across the wire, and they'll use the speed of E4X to do their own work (such as constructing and desconstrucing SOAP packets) faster. 

For backward compability, the new player will continue to support the old-style XML and XMLNode objects, with the one change that the old XML class will be renamed to XMLDocument. The renaming is necessary because the E4X standard specifies that the new type be called XML. So if you have XML code and you want to continue using, just use XMLDocument instead. But we'll be encouraging everyone to migrate to E4X because it is so much simpler , faster , and more expressive .

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