public var myTree:Tree;
myTree.setStyle(”fontSize”, “10″);
myTree.setStyle(”fontFamily”, “Verdana”);
myTree.setStyle(”backgroundColor”, “0xEBEBEB”);
myTree.setStyle(”borderStyle”, “none”);
myTree.setStyle(”color”, “0×666666″);
myTree.setStyle(”rollOverColor”, “0xE3E3E3″);
myTree.setStyle(”selectionColor”, “0xE3E3E3″);
myTree.setStyle(”textRollOverColor”, “0×666666″);
myTree.setStyle(”textSelectedColor”, “0×666666″);
If you want to customize the icons in your tree component you can by creating your own icon. Convert your icon to a movie clip symbol and it’s important that you give it a unique Linkage Identifier name. You can do this by clicking on the Advanced button in the Symbol Properties box. If you don’t you will not be able to customize the look of your icons. These are the 5 icons you can customize.
myTree.setStyle(”defaultLeafIcon”, “LinkageIdentiferName”);
myTree.setStyle(”folderClosedIcon”, “LinkageIdentiferName”);
myTree.setStyle(”folderOpenIcon”, “LinkageIdentiferName”);
myTree.setStyle(”disclosureOpenIcon”, “LinkageIdentiferName”);
myTree.setStyle(”disclosureClosedIcon”, “LinkageIdentiferName”);
For more infomation on customizing the tree component in flash click here.